Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What could be worse seriously. Literally fuck my life now lah knnbccb. I'm angsty, I'm grouchy and right now I can eat anyone alive. And I'm annoyed. You know why?

1. I'm super tired
2. I'm freezing
3. Fuck these groupmates of mine who just have this narrow thinking. Seriously, have you heard of thinking out of the box and improvising.
4. If another, "oh yah hor! Why I never think of that. Good idea." Comes out of your mouth, I will fucking slap your face and step on it. You wanna know why you never thought of it? Simple. You're stupid. I know my ideas are good stop irritating me.

Major bitchfit sorry can't help it. And you know what?! I regret telling you everything. Now you're so mother fucking uptight about everything. Seriously. How about getting me a tracking device and that's settled?! Seriously, cut me some slack before I really think I cannot take it. You don't realise but your constant calls just makes me feel like you checking on me. Seriously. I WANT SPACE!!!! Please... Not gonna ask for anything more. I'll go to school. I'll get my grades. Please just let me have MY SPACE. Thank you very much.